Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose |
(The more things change, the more they remain the same) |
1967 |
1997 |
A recent family get together (the Christening of our latest baby, Peter) led me to re-create the photo on the left thirty years on. | |
From left to right, my sister Madeleine, a 16 year old me behind the wheel and my Father. The car is a Slough-built ID19 of 1961 vintage and despite being only six years old, it is already showing the ravages of the tin worm and fading paintwork. |
Thirty years later and here we are again with a green big Citroën - on this occasion it's a 1995 XM CT Turbo VSX. The nose of my Father's Xantia can be seen in the far left of this picture. |